RTL for FireMonkey | Tutorials


In this section, we put some tutorials, which may be useful for most Delphi users.

The videos are not necessarily related to the components of this site.

Usage of FMXRTL components.

Showing the usage and working of TFMXRTL.

In this video you can see, how easy it is to correct the behaviour of FireMonkey component's, with TFMXRTL.

How to use TListViewAppearanceRTL, to make faster right to left forms.

You can use new right to left version of default appearances for FireMonkey's TListView.

This way you can make a right to left app faster than before, and it is easy to change direction of the form, dynamically, by simply changing value of a single property.

Using TTreeViewRTL tutorial.

In this tutorial, we show how to use TTreeViewRTL, to change the direction of TTreeView to have a fully right to left tree view in FireMonkey

It is easy but as shown in the video, you shal put a TTreeView in your form and save your form, before putting a TTreeViewRTL, on that form.

Using TTabControlRTL tutorial

By putting a TTabControlRTL in a form, you can change direction of tabs form left to right, to right to left order. For that you shall put a TTabControlRTL, on form which has TTabControl and being saved.

Having right to left strings with TPrototypeBindSource

By putting TPrototypeBindSourceRTLDataGenerator on your main form, you will have benefit of right to left texts, in a bdRightToLeft form, design as your sample data.

How to create a real professional component for RAD Studio.

Fist of all...

How to create a professional Delphi-FireMonkey application for all platforms.

In this section, I will show you how you can make a professional RAD application, from analyzing to debugging and unit testing, and putting them in app stores of each platform. Along the way I use lots of Delphi features, to make a more productive app, in a smaller amount of time.


In this video, I simply explain what we want to create.


In this video, I use a USE CASE diagram, for the upcoming project, using RAD Studio IDE.

Part 1


Part 2

Analysis-User's Manual

Long time ago, when I studied programming, I've read an article about how it is benefitial, if you create your user's manual before the design of your product. It happens to be true, at least for me and for most of my projects.

So in this video, I just create some html file, defining what my app does. Later and after creation of application and before deploying it,I will rearrange these files and create a chm file for windows version. Right now, I use IDE to create those html files. I don't say anything special about html, css or javascript here, so if you are not interested in what I planned for the user interface you can simply skip this video, just download those files from. here.

Creating User's Manual



Everyone knows that before starting a project we need to be sure that it is feasible to so or not.

So, in this project I check weather it is possible to do all of the demands in due time or not, or it is even possible to do so or not, for each separate platform.

In the first video, I check weather I can use animation, for a TListBoxItem to make my app look cooler, or not.


Android Services are still new to Delphi, and so there are not so many articles about them.

So, in these last videos I will test aspects of creating and using local Android Services with Delphi.

In the first video, I just create and Android Service and call it from an android app, and nothing more. So, if you are not new to creating and Android Service using Delphi, you'd better skip this video.

In this video, I create an Android Service which shall receives some data from the client app, on its StartCommand. I do it two separate ways. One is to send all data using a string, in a structred format, for example json and the other is using Bundles